Saturday 16 November 2013



I know by now you might have realized how important it is to develop a consistent  relationship with God.  So, it is a new day and we want to start afresh with God.  What to do next must be on your mind.  Well, I believe we can start with just a simple prayer telling God that we want to start anew working on our relationship with Him. Then, we need to take a look at ourselves and decide how far we want to go with God. Yes! We must do this.  As for God, He always wants to walk all the way with us. But it let for our part. This means that it is left for us to play our part in our relationship with God. Do you know that  in any relationship, both partners  determine whether things will work out or not? Each partner by his own choices or action makes a statement on whether the relationship is important or not . When one partner commits himself to the relationship with all his heart but the other partner behaves nonchalantly and let things go, the entire relationship will eventually collapse. This happens because one partner will feel the frustration of being the only one one to keep things together and break down and out one day. Nobody will want to remain in a relationship where you are the only one who cares.  It is same with our relationship with God. Just that we are lucky that God has always been a stronger partner we refuses to let go. He holds on to us even when we do not play our path. But we need to work on  our relationship with Him all the same since the earlier premise we established still holds.That is ,

' It is the chick who is closest to its mother that gets to eat the thigh of grasshopper.'

Once you have finally taken a decision to commit to God then you must commit well to Him in every area of your life. These can serve as a guideline to help you out in your quest to have a consistent relationship with God:

First of all, you will need to commit to building a deeper fellowship with God in terms of prayer and the study of God's word. Make time for daily fellowship with God. Jesus had a habit of waking up a great while before day to pray unto God and to meditate(Mark 1:35). You need to find a place where you can talk to God on a regular basis. Find a place where you can fellowship with Him without being distracted or disturbed. It can at the back of your house, on a park near you or even in your own house when everyone is gone. You can even wake up in the nights to talk with God. Spend time in prayer. Spend time in studying the Bible so that you can understand God more and get to know His ways and how He relates with man better. For your Bible studies, you can get a study Bible or a concordance(Bible dictionary sort of)  and learn the fundamentals of the Christian faith such as the concept of sin, baptism, holiness, prayer, faith etc.  If you have a family you can do this together with them. Make it a habit, like how you daily brush your teeth and do other staff. Make it a part of you. The more you fellowship with God this way the more you get to know Him and the more you build a deeper relationship with Him.

Secondly, apply God's word to your life on a daily basis and choose to align your actions with His word. When in love, anger, doubt, distressed, feeling lazy etc ask yourself what Jesus will do were He in your place. If you cannot find an appropriate answer to that, pray in your head and ask God to help you. Often this is also an indication that your knowledge of God's word is also not in-depth and thus you need to make time to study God's word more so that you can grow. It is God's word in us that guides us(Psalm 119:105). Let your life leave a positive impact on others.  Always set  your mind on the fact that you are representing Christ where you are. Choose to entertain lifestyles that do not contradict the word of God. In terms of your business dealings, your relationship to the opposite sex, your dressing, your mannerisms etc. aim at doing everything to glorify God. Remind yourself daily that God is with you and your actions are directed to please Him and give Him glory.

Furthermore, fellowship with other believers. God reveals Himself to mankind in diverse ways. A fellow Christian's perspective on a walk with God and the word of God can help boost your insight and knowledge of God. Go to church regularly. Participate in the activities of the church and serve where you can. The more you serve God with what you have, the more you grow in that area and the more you create a room in yourself for God to bless your life with more. If you can sing, dance, teach, serve people, then use that as well to serve God, whether serving in His house or where you find yourself. Don't forget though that the church is made up of all sorts of people apart from genuine believers. Make room for people who will tread on your toes and don't use an offense by somebody as an excuse to walk out of church. Another person should not be the reason for you to walk out of the Presence of God.

Finally, make the business of God your business. What do I mean by this? The business of God is soul winning. Soul winning is based on the premise that every soul has a place to go when we die. It is either a soul ends up in heaven or in hell. The desire of God is for all souls to accept the gift of God that make amends for our sins, Jesus Christ, so that no one dies and ends up in hell. Spread this message of God or help spread it with your talent, gifts, money, resources and any other means.
I hope you have been blessed reading this. Lets meditate on this quote from Ecclesiastes 12:13-14:
'Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of a man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.'

© Frances A. Hagan 2013

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