Saturday 4 January 2014

New Year Message!

I welcome all visitors to this blog for the year 2014. I started this blog last year and I really appreciate the number of traffic I have received so far. God bless everybody who made it a point to pass by every now and then to see what was going on over here. I know lot of people did. I loved the comments I got on my face book wall with each post I advertised last year . However, some people passed by without leaving their view, observations and suggestions on what I posted. I would love to hear from all, especially those people this year.  For this year, I intend to keep this blog more alive than I did last year. There would be more variety on what  I present since I intend to widen the scope of the blog. I will feature post to cover jokes, short stories, poems, recipes, sports, motivational words etc. Make sure you don't miss out on anything here.
This blog is a dream come true. If you love what you see, know that it all begun as a dream. But then I had to start from somewhere. I keep getting better each day on it. So can you on your dream and on what you intend to become. Your dream and ambition by which you intend to inspire and be a blessing to others must also start from somewhere. So get on with it this year and you would be surprised at how well everything will turn out eventually. I believe you can and I hope to hear you have made it!
Have a fruitful and blissful year!

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